proposal submission

Friday, 13 Nov 09
today is a new step for my FYP1 process of this semester. it is a proposal submission that all the students that undergo the FYP1 have to submit this document including me. Alhamdulillah and thanks to God for help me to finish this proposal within a time given...opss, is no me only but with my partner, Ghazali.

I and my partner have added a new application or a new method to completing our project as we have schedule. before the submission is make, we make a changing process to our project. this changing is for the method of building the robot. the new method is cover the used of suction cup for sucking process.

first picture of suction cup+solenoid

before this, we plan to used the pump motor,stepper motor and pressure sensor to make a sucking operation look properly. but the new method we use is using a suction cup from car telephone holder combine with the electromagnetic solenoid and limit switch that we have buy it from Jalan Pasar, a few days ago.

second picture of suction cup+solenoid

we also change the motor type of our project that is from stepper motor to DC motor. the linear actuator for the main body of the robot is also change because we use aluminium square tube for make a robot light in its weight.
the operation look better than before and the cost is also reduce because the used of pump motor and pressure sensor is assume to be expensive.